Rabu, 19 Juni 2019

Trade War, Cut Growth Targets

JawaPos.com - The proposed economic growth target of 5.3-5.6 percent in 2020 was finally revised to 5.3-5.5 percent. Because, the tension of trade war is increasing so that global economic uncertainty is increasingly felt. Even this year, some macroeconomic assumptions have been missed. Just mention the assumptions of oil and gas lifting, tax revenues, and interest rates on state treasury bills (SPN) that have been out of target.

The proposed economic growth target is 5.3-5.5 percent in accordance with Bank Indonesia (BI). Which in addition to economic growth, inflation will be in the range of 2-4 percent; interest rate of 3 months SPN 5-5.5 percent; the exchange rate of Rp. 14,000-Rp. 14,500 per USD; and the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 5.1 percent. Beyond that, the poverty rate is targeted at 8.5-9 percent; which was ratio 0.375-0.380; and the human development index (HDI) 72.51.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said, macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions continue to be a matter of concern. However makes BI must maintain economic stability very carefully. BI also continues to make stable policy rates so that investors do not run their funds from Indonesia."At present the condition of global financial markets is uncertain, when it is covered by trade wars, Brexit, or geopolitical problems that could at times lead to a reversal of foreign capital flows," he said during a meeting with members of Parliament Commission XI yesterday (17/6).

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani also believes that Indonesia can grow positively. He believes Indonesia can record a gross fixed capital formation (PMTB) growth of at least 7 percent by 2020. For that, he will cut all the complexity regarding taxation. Among other things, there will be incentives given to export-oriented investors and are willing to invest in research and development. "I want to pay taxes as easily as buying credit via cellphone," he said. Sumber: (www.jawapos.com)

Complex Sentence :

1. Which in addition to economic growth, inflation will be in the range of 2-4 percent; interest rate of    3 months SPN 5-5.5 percent; the exchange rate of Rp. 14,000-Rp. 14,500 per USD; and the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 5.1 percent. 

 Beyond that, the poverty rate is targeted at 8.5-9 percent; which was ratio 0.375-0.380; and the human development index (HDI) 72.51.

3. However makes BI must maintain economic stability very carefully.

4. When it is covered by trade wars, Brexit, and geopolitical problems that could at times lead to a reversal of foreign capital flows," he said during a meeting with members of Parliament Commission XI yesterday (17/6).

Compound Sentence :

1. Which in addition to economic growth, inflation will be in the range of 2-4 percent; interest rate of    3 months SPN 5-5.5 percent; the exchange rate of Rp. 14,000-Rp. 14,500 per USD; and the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 5.1 percent.

2. At present the condition of global financial markets is uncertain, when it is covered by trade wars, Brexit, or geopolitical problems that could at times lead to a reversal of foreign capital flows,"

For that, he will cut all the complexity regarding taxation. 

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