Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

Review Film Tanah Cita - Cita 

Director                       : Anton Mabruri
Producer                      : Muh. Fikri

Target                          : Teacher and Student
Cast                             : Dwi Surya, Chintya Tenges K, Bima, Zulkifli, Saipul Zihkar, Abdul   Hair, M. Tamrin, Ifan Putra, Yuda Sa’ban, Febrianti S, Nurfarahati, Kurniawan, Zainal Afrodi, Andi Bahtiar.
Studio                         : Pustekkom 2016
Released Date             : Feb 2016
Duration                      : 88 Minute
Country                       : Indonesia

Rayhan is a school principal in a village in Bima district struggling to educate elementary school children by trying to return to local wisdom. Namely studying with nature and society, every day the students teach their students by practicing directly in the field similar to natural schools. This method of teaching seems to have been challenged by the community there, including the attitude of a village head who incited his citizens to the transfer of a school principal. Likewise with the ideals of a young teacher from Jakarta who are not ready for the method of learning carried out by rayhan. He inhibited and resisted the blessings, unfortunately he finally melted on the blessing so he was even more amazed.

After graduating from college in Jakarta Rayhan decided to return to Bima and build my own area.  Like Ki Hajar Dewantara between schools like a parks. Rayhan wants to give birth to new school innovations like a park. Come with pleasure, in a cheerful heart, and leave with a heavy heart. Many parents of students who think this school is strange because learning is not in class but in the forest, beach, and in the garden. And in the end all the people knew that the method applied by rayhan made his students happy and diligent in learning. Moreover, a student named Bima even though he was banned by his father for school, he still came to school. When his father knew that Bima was going to school, he came to school to pick up Bima to go home. When he arrived at school Bima did not want to go home because he wanted to go to school and aspire to be a doctor so that it would not happen again when his mother was sick and eventually died. Then his father bima allowed the school and joined the students who were learning to plant behind the schoolyard.

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