Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

Review Film Rumah Merah Putih 

Director                       : Ari Sihasale
Producer                      : Ari Sihasale
Cast                             : Pevita Pearce, Yama Carlos, Shafira Umm, Abdurachman Arif, Dicky Tatipikalawan
Studio                         : Alenia Pictures
Released Date             : 20 Juni 2019
Duration                      : 96 Minute
Country                       : Indonesia

Farel (Petrick Rumlaklak), Oscar (Amorite de Purivicacao) et al at the border of NTT-Timor Leste, participated in a Penang climbing competition. But instead of being unified, they claim which price should be taken first. They fail and then blame each other. The problem is getting more complicated when the two cans of the red-white cat belong to Farel to disappear. Anxious of his father, Farel, Oscar et al tried to raise money to buy paint. They know that there will be a Pinang climbing race with white red paint again. When the Oscar-race fell and was sick. It is the story of Farel, Oscar et al to celebrate August 17.

Interesting to note, the children players in this movie, apparently are new players of NTT. Mention the name Petrick Rumlaklak who played the role of Farel Amaral and Amori de Purivicacao who acted as Oscar Lopez. Then there is a new newcomer to dicky  "Beatbox " Tatupikalawan as Oracio Soares, which reflects itself in beatboxing, when in dialogue with children or the locals. Its appearance gives its own uniqueness and freshness. As for Petrick Rumlaklak and Amori de Purivicacao, performing their simple acting, but can be enjoyed through the cinema screen because they play as themselves, children who enjoy free nature and live in NTT with various problems and Behaviour of children. The role of an adult can only be said as a mere addition to the sufferer, in which all dialogues are remembered, action to think based on the mindset of the children. The problem is also solved by the perspective of the children, therefore there are many things that smile the material and the adults who look, their behavior as if they think of adult audience, their childhood will be.Emphasis on Indonesian nationality, which manifests itself in the colouring of buildings with red White. When a color is lost, certainly can not be replaced by other colors, because the color represents the color of the flag of Indonesia.

Tireless, they returned to trade it, but the store closed. This difficult journey made Varel and Oscar more compact and critical. The same goal made the relationship between the two boys from East Nusa Tenggara stronger. The last way they do areca climbing competition. By winning this race, all problems will disappear. Oscar and Varel were determined to win this. Unstoppable mind makes Oscar reach the top and win the race. On that day, however, he was not entirely lucky because he fell. Maria Lopez (Pevita Pearce), Varel and her friends could bring her home alone and were later taken to the nearest hospital. Due to limited services in the area, Oscar had to be taken to a larger hospital. Unfortunately Oscar still cannot recover from the recovery from paralysis. Varel, Oscar, family and friends were deeply sad. This is the point where they cannot do anything. One day, during a flag ceremony attended by Oscar, Varel came up with a patriotic soul to help the flag that could not fly up completely. Varel immediately ran and climbed the flagpole safely with agility. This vibration is so strong that people capture the action and ultimately viral in Indonesia. This moment brought Varel to fame and received a prize.

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