Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

Review Film Rumah Merah Putih 

Director                       : Ari Sihasale
Producer                      : Ari Sihasale
Cast                             : Pevita Pearce, Yama Carlos, Shafira Umm, Abdurachman Arif, Dicky Tatipikalawan
Studio                         : Alenia Pictures
Released Date             : 20 Juni 2019
Duration                      : 96 Minute
Country                       : Indonesia

Farel (Petrick Rumlaklak), Oscar (Amorite de Purivicacao) et al at the border of NTT-Timor Leste, participated in a Penang climbing competition. But instead of being unified, they claim which price should be taken first. They fail and then blame each other. The problem is getting more complicated when the two cans of the red-white cat belong to Farel to disappear. Anxious of his father, Farel, Oscar et al tried to raise money to buy paint. They know that there will be a Pinang climbing race with white red paint again. When the Oscar-race fell and was sick. It is the story of Farel, Oscar et al to celebrate August 17.

Interesting to note, the children players in this movie, apparently are new players of NTT. Mention the name Petrick Rumlaklak who played the role of Farel Amaral and Amori de Purivicacao who acted as Oscar Lopez. Then there is a new newcomer to dicky  "Beatbox " Tatupikalawan as Oracio Soares, which reflects itself in beatboxing, when in dialogue with children or the locals. Its appearance gives its own uniqueness and freshness. As for Petrick Rumlaklak and Amori de Purivicacao, performing their simple acting, but can be enjoyed through the cinema screen because they play as themselves, children who enjoy free nature and live in NTT with various problems and Behaviour of children. The role of an adult can only be said as a mere addition to the sufferer, in which all dialogues are remembered, action to think based on the mindset of the children. The problem is also solved by the perspective of the children, therefore there are many things that smile the material and the adults who look, their behavior as if they think of adult audience, their childhood will be.Emphasis on Indonesian nationality, which manifests itself in the colouring of buildings with red White. When a color is lost, certainly can not be replaced by other colors, because the color represents the color of the flag of Indonesia.

Tireless, they returned to trade it, but the store closed. This difficult journey made Varel and Oscar more compact and critical. The same goal made the relationship between the two boys from East Nusa Tenggara stronger. The last way they do areca climbing competition. By winning this race, all problems will disappear. Oscar and Varel were determined to win this. Unstoppable mind makes Oscar reach the top and win the race. On that day, however, he was not entirely lucky because he fell. Maria Lopez (Pevita Pearce), Varel and her friends could bring her home alone and were later taken to the nearest hospital. Due to limited services in the area, Oscar had to be taken to a larger hospital. Unfortunately Oscar still cannot recover from the recovery from paralysis. Varel, Oscar, family and friends were deeply sad. This is the point where they cannot do anything. One day, during a flag ceremony attended by Oscar, Varel came up with a patriotic soul to help the flag that could not fly up completely. Varel immediately ran and climbed the flagpole safely with agility. This vibration is so strong that people capture the action and ultimately viral in Indonesia. This moment brought Varel to fame and received a prize.

Review Film Tanah Cita - Cita 

Director                       : Anton Mabruri
Producer                      : Muh. Fikri

Target                          : Teacher and Student
Cast                             : Dwi Surya, Chintya Tenges K, Bima, Zulkifli, Saipul Zihkar, Abdul   Hair, M. Tamrin, Ifan Putra, Yuda Sa’ban, Febrianti S, Nurfarahati, Kurniawan, Zainal Afrodi, Andi Bahtiar.
Studio                         : Pustekkom 2016
Released Date             : Feb 2016
Duration                      : 88 Minute
Country                       : Indonesia

Rayhan is a school principal in a village in Bima district struggling to educate elementary school children by trying to return to local wisdom. Namely studying with nature and society, every day the students teach their students by practicing directly in the field similar to natural schools. This method of teaching seems to have been challenged by the community there, including the attitude of a village head who incited his citizens to the transfer of a school principal. Likewise with the ideals of a young teacher from Jakarta who are not ready for the method of learning carried out by rayhan. He inhibited and resisted the blessings, unfortunately he finally melted on the blessing so he was even more amazed.

After graduating from college in Jakarta Rayhan decided to return to Bima and build my own area.  Like Ki Hajar Dewantara between schools like a parks. Rayhan wants to give birth to new school innovations like a park. Come with pleasure, in a cheerful heart, and leave with a heavy heart. Many parents of students who think this school is strange because learning is not in class but in the forest, beach, and in the garden. And in the end all the people knew that the method applied by rayhan made his students happy and diligent in learning. Moreover, a student named Bima even though he was banned by his father for school, he still came to school. When his father knew that Bima was going to school, he came to school to pick up Bima to go home. When he arrived at school Bima did not want to go home because he wanted to go to school and aspire to be a doctor so that it would not happen again when his mother was sick and eventually died. Then his father bima allowed the school and joined the students who were learning to plant behind the schoolyard.

Rabu, 19 Juni 2019

Trade War, Cut Growth Targets

JawaPos.com - The proposed economic growth target of 5.3-5.6 percent in 2020 was finally revised to 5.3-5.5 percent. Because, the tension of trade war is increasing so that global economic uncertainty is increasingly felt. Even this year, some macroeconomic assumptions have been missed. Just mention the assumptions of oil and gas lifting, tax revenues, and interest rates on state treasury bills (SPN) that have been out of target.

The proposed economic growth target is 5.3-5.5 percent in accordance with Bank Indonesia (BI). Which in addition to economic growth, inflation will be in the range of 2-4 percent; interest rate of 3 months SPN 5-5.5 percent; the exchange rate of Rp. 14,000-Rp. 14,500 per USD; and the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 5.1 percent. Beyond that, the poverty rate is targeted at 8.5-9 percent; which was ratio 0.375-0.380; and the human development index (HDI) 72.51.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said, macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions continue to be a matter of concern. However makes BI must maintain economic stability very carefully. BI also continues to make stable policy rates so that investors do not run their funds from Indonesia."At present the condition of global financial markets is uncertain, when it is covered by trade wars, Brexit, or geopolitical problems that could at times lead to a reversal of foreign capital flows," he said during a meeting with members of Parliament Commission XI yesterday (17/6).

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani also believes that Indonesia can grow positively. He believes Indonesia can record a gross fixed capital formation (PMTB) growth of at least 7 percent by 2020. For that, he will cut all the complexity regarding taxation. Among other things, there will be incentives given to export-oriented investors and are willing to invest in research and development. "I want to pay taxes as easily as buying credit via cellphone," he said. Sumber: (www.jawapos.com)

Complex Sentence :

1. Which in addition to economic growth, inflation will be in the range of 2-4 percent; interest rate of    3 months SPN 5-5.5 percent; the exchange rate of Rp. 14,000-Rp. 14,500 per USD; and the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 5.1 percent. 

 Beyond that, the poverty rate is targeted at 8.5-9 percent; which was ratio 0.375-0.380; and the human development index (HDI) 72.51.

3. However makes BI must maintain economic stability very carefully.

4. When it is covered by trade wars, Brexit, and geopolitical problems that could at times lead to a reversal of foreign capital flows," he said during a meeting with members of Parliament Commission XI yesterday (17/6).

Compound Sentence :

1. Which in addition to economic growth, inflation will be in the range of 2-4 percent; interest rate of    3 months SPN 5-5.5 percent; the exchange rate of Rp. 14,000-Rp. 14,500 per USD; and the unemployment rate from 4.8 to 5.1 percent.

2. At present the condition of global financial markets is uncertain, when it is covered by trade wars, Brexit, or geopolitical problems that could at times lead to a reversal of foreign capital flows,"

For that, he will cut all the complexity regarding taxation. 

The Story of Panji Semirang

Raden Inu Kertapati is the royal crown prince of Jenggala (1). His body was sturdy and his face was handsome. In addition, he was also friendly to anyone, including to his two loyal servants. Raden Inu Kertapati was betrothed to a daughter from the kingdom of Kediri named Dewi Candra Kirana. One day Raden Inu Kertapati intended to visit his fiancee in Kediri. He was accompanied by bodyguards carrying complete supplies (2). On the way, Raden Inu Kertapati's group was confronted by a gang of criminals from Asmarantaka, led by Panji Semirang. Raden Inu found that he was getting ready, but the group of criminals did not attack.

Two mobs approached Raden Inu Kertapati.
"I begged Raden to meet our leader, Panji Semirang."
"Good," answered Raden Inu Kertapati without feeling afraid but remained vigilant.
It turned out that Raden Inu Kertapati was greeted warmly by Panji Semirang.
"Well, how is it different from what I have heard so far, that Asmarantaka is a country of vandals who like to kidnap people," murmured Raden Inu Kertapati.
"The news is not true, we only invite them to settle in our country. If we don't want it, we never force it," said Panji Semirang.
"Then I'll continue my journey."
"Where do you want Raden?"
"I will meet my future wife in Kediri." (3)
"Oh, kediri, I know there are two beautiful daughters there. One is Dewi Candra Kirana, and the other is Dewi Ajeng. Which one do you want to choose?"
"My future wife is Dewi Candra Kirana," said Raden Inu Kertapati.
Even though he had just met (5), Raden Inu Kertapati was familiar with Panji Semirang. He felt like he knew this person very well. However, he forgot where he had met Panji Semirang's familiar face(18).
After the discussion was felt enough, Raden Inu Kertapati asked permission to continue the journey to Kediri.
"Well Raden, goodbye, see you again," said Panji Semirang.

Arriving in Kediri, Raden Inu Kertapati was greeted with great fanfare and full of joy (19). No less than the wife of King Kediri's concubine named Dewi Liku and her daughter Dewi Ajeng also welcomed her presence. However, Dewi Candra Kirana is not visible in the reception.

"Why didn't he come to greet me?" asked Raden Inu Kertapati.
"Kanda Dewi Candra Kirana is sick of memory and has been away from the palace for a long time," (4) answered Dewi Ajeng

Hearing the statement immediately Raden Inu Kertapati was shocked and collapsed. He was immediately brought into the palace (6). Dewi Liku turns out to have magic power. At his insistence, King Kediri decided to marry Raden Inu Kertapati to Dewi Ajeng. the goddess Ajeng was very happy, she imagined how happy she would be to be with the handsome Raden Inu Kertapati. 

King Kediri ordered all royal court officials to prepare the wedding for Raden Inu Kertapati with Dewi Ajeng. The gates of the gate are decorated as beautifully as possible, the art stage was immediately established (7). Along the road to the palace are decorated with banners and a variety of colorful flowers. various types of food and drinks are provided. The bridal room is beautifully decorated and given the best type of perfume. preparation is truly perfect (8).

But Dewi Liku's evil plan to match Raden Inu Kertapati with her daughter Dewi Ajeng did not go smoothly. Suddenly there was a greating fire that consumed all party preparations (20). In the midst of this chaos, a group of Raden Inu Kertapati was seen riding a horse and moving away from the palace (9). On the way, then Dewi Liku's magic vanished from the thoughts of Raden Inu Kertapati.

Raden Inu Kertapati realized and thought back to her lover, Dewi Candra Kirana. Her lover's face was not much different from Panji Semirang's face (10). He suspected that Panji Semirang was his lover in disguise. He and his entourage then moved towards Asmarantaka to find Panji Semirang. But apparently, Panji Semirang had left the country (11). Raden Inu Kertapati ordered his men to continue searching in all directions, but the results remained the same. Search continues, until they arrive in the land of Gegelang. The king of Gegalang was a close relative of the King of Bengal. then Raden Inu Kertapati and his entourage were welcomed.

At that time the gegalang was being disturbed by a mob of powerful robbers led by Lasan and Setegal. Raden Inu Kertapati and his entourage were willing to eradicate the robbers (12), they cooperated with Gegelang royal soldiers. Until one day Raden Inu Kertapati caught the band of robbers in a village.

"You may choose, give up or we destroy!" exclaimed Raden Inu Kertapati.
"Hahahaha ... young child, I'd better die than I surrender myself to you," answered the head of the band of robbers.

Without wasting time, the troops led by Raden Inu Kertapati immediately moved to attack. Treate a heavy battle, and casualties continue to fall from both parties. Raden Inu Kertapati is dealing directly with Lasan and Setegal (13). This young prince fought bravely and took out all the magic he had. Shortly afterwards the two robber leaders collapsed to the ground, then died. The Gegelang royal soldiers cheered for the victory of Raden Inu Kertapati and the people welcomed him happily. 

King Gegelang held a party of seven days and seven nights to welcome the blessings obtained by Raden Inu Kertapati who had succeeded in eradicating the band of robbers. Until the seventh night of the feast, King Gegelang summoned a rhyme expert. The pantun expert was a young man but his body was graceful (14). He had brought the pantun which turned out to tell the story of the life journey of Dewi Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati (15). seeing that, Inu Kertapati was curious and he immediately remembered his lover. Immediately, Raden Inu Kertapati approached, the young man who was carrying the pantun (16), and it turned out that the young man was Panji Semirang, aka Dewi Candra Kirana, whom he had been searching for.

The couple loved to miss each other. Dewi Candra Kirana told me that Dewi Liku had lost her memory and was driven from the palace (17). Fortunately, there was a powerful ascetic who wanted to treat Dewi Candra Kirana so that she recovered and began to wander from one country to another. Raden Inu Kertapati was moved to hear the story of his future wife. The next day they both left for the country and held a luxurious wedding. they then become a pair of sitri husbands who are happy forever.

Tenses :  

1. Simple present tense = Raden Inu Kertapati is the royal crown prince of Jenggala
2. Past continuous tense = He was accompanied by bodyguards carrying complete supplies
3. Simple Future Tense = "I will meet my future wife in Kediri."
4. past perfect tense = "Kanda Dewi Candra Kirana is sick of memory and has been away from the palace for a long time,"
5. past perfect tense = Even though he had just met
6. simple past tense  = He was immediately brought into the palace
7.simple past tense = The gates of the gate are decorated as beautifully as possible, the art stage was immediately established
8.simple present tense = preparation is truly perfect
9.past continuous tense = a group of Raden Inu Kertapati was seen riding a horse and moving away from the palace
10.simple past tense = Her lover's face was not much different from Panji Semirang's face
11.past perfect tense  = But apparently, Panji Semirang had left the country
12.past continuous tense = Raden Inu Kertapati and his entourage were willing to eradicate the robbers
13.present continuous tense = Raden Inu Kertapati is dealing directly with Lasan and Setegal
14.simple past tense = The pantun expert was a young man but his body was graceful
15.past perfect tense = He had brought the pantun which turned out to tell the story of the life journey of Dewi Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati
16.past continuous tense = the young man who was carrying the pantun
17. past perfect tense = Dewi Candra Kirana told me that Dewi Liku had lost her memory and was driven from the palace
18. past perfect tense = he forgot where he had met Panji Semirang's familiar face
19.simple past tense = Raden Inu Kertapati was greeted with great fanfare and full of joy
20.past continuous tense = Suddenly there was a greating fire that consumed all party preparations 

 Nounce frase 15 word : 

1.  His body was sturdy and his face was handsome
2. Raden Inu Kertapati without feeling afraid but remained vigilant
3. It turned out that Raden Inu Kertapati was greeted warmly by Panji Semirang
4. I know there are two beautiful daughters there
5. Hearing the statement immediately Raden Inu Kertapati was shocked and collapsed.
6. Dewi Liku turns out to have magic power
7. Along the road to the palace are decorated with banners and a variety of colorful flowers
8. At that time the gegalang was being disturbed by a mob of powerful robbers led by Lasan and Setegal
9. But Dewi Liku's evil plan to match Raden Inu Kertapati with her daughter Dewi Ajeng did not go smoothly
10. Without wasting time, the troops led by Raden Inu Kertapati immediately moved to attack. Treate a heavy battle
11. King Gegelang summoned a rhyme expert
12. The Gegelang royal soldiers cheered for the victory of Raden Inu Kertapati and the people welcomed him happily.
13. Fortunately, there was a powerful ascetic who wanted to treat Dewi Candra Kirana so that she recovered and began to wander from one country to another
14. they then become a pair of sitri husbands who are happy forever.
15. The couple loved to miss each other